Annual Precipitation Information

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Rainfall and Snowfall Totals

Rainfall - 2024

This information last updated:  7/25 - 6:42 AM

Year 2024

Year 2024 - Running Totals

Actual 2024 = 23.56"

Normal Average for 2024 = 19.50"

Difference 2024 = +4.06"

Current Month

Current Month - Running Totals

Actual-So Far = 3.10"

Normal Average = 3.62"

Difference - So Far = - (.52)

Note: Year 2024 totals do NOT include the current month.
Generally I post rainfall totals the day after it stops raining.
Rainfall Stats are also available on the Live Weather Gauges Page with the current month and daily rainfall.

Tip: Hover over the bar with your cursor to see the actual numbers.


Winter 2023/2024 Snowfall Totals 

This information last updated: 6/08 - 8:48 AM

Note: Year 2023/2024 totals do NOT include the current month.
Snowfall stats are also available on the Live Weather Gauges Page with the current month and daily snowfall.

Year 2023/2024

Year 2023/24 - Running Totals

Actual 2023/24 = 51.5"

Normal Average = 69.0"

Difference 2023/24 = (-17.5)

Current Month

Current Month - Running Totals

Current Actual = 0"

Normal = 0"

Difference = 0"

Tip: Hover over the bar with your cursor to see the actual numbers.

Drought Information-2024

This information Last Updated:  5/19 - 8:39 AM

*Updated Weekly
*When drought conditions exist
05/19/2024 - I will update this graphic IF/WHEN drought conditions return

Drought Impact Scale

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