What are the different Winter Advisories and what do they mean?
Winter Weather Advisory
Winter weather event where precipitation type cannot be determined with a high level of confidence, or event having more than one predominant hazard (i.e., snow and ice, snow and sleet, or snow, ice and sleet) meeting or exceeding locally defined 12 and/or 24 hour advisory criteria for at least one of the precipitation elements, but remaining below warning criteria.
Winter Storm Watch
Conditions are favorable for a Winter Storm event (Heavy Sleet, Ice Storm, Heavy Snow, and Blowing Snow or a combination of events) to meet, or exceed, local Winter Storm Warning criteria in the next 12 to 48 hours.
Winter Storm Warning
Winter weather event having more than one predominant hazard (i.e., heavy snow and blowing snow, snow and ice, snow and sleet, sleet and ice, or snow, sleet and ice) meeting or exceeding locally defined 12 and/or 24 hour warning criteria for at least one of the precipitation elements.
Blizzard Warning
Sustained wind or frequent gusts greater than or equal to 35 mph accompanied by falling and/or blowing snow, frequently reducing visibility to less than 1/4 mile for three hours or more.
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